It’s a year with a so much on the agenda what is your practice prioritizing?? Perhaps it’s the environment? Regeneration and restoration? Or meeting the housing demands? But we also need to understand that it’s not just about designing for the future from scratch. Methods of De- Carbonizing needs to be kept in mind to reduce carbon emission even in the process of meeting the housing demands. For Every sector every practice and every architect now needs to get back at the problems of solving architectural issues in the country.

Today we are in need of highly energy efficient houses and flats with the community and environment in mind. As we approach to a new stage in our urban transformation, we should use the analogy of the city or house as a living being and how close we can get to nature without disrupting it, providing an imaginative and engaging insights into our future of an urban environment. We hope that designers from around the world will respond with their vision for a brighter future which will enhance well-being, preserve environment and harness technology for the good of all of us. When the Design meets function it’s a real win-win situation.

Aesthetic diversity, environment, and digital networking can together bring limitless possibilities of fresh design ideas. Many of the residential projects in Kerala has been designed to be energy efficient and reduced carbon impact. However, across the country many of the housing still stands with poor efficiency, due to its inability to harness the renewable resources without reducing the carbon footprint. We need to follow the well-known energy hierarchy i.e., be lean, be clean, be green. Use Organic or raw materials for furniture’s or building fabric that are made from or have been grown without chemicals.

These are often more sustainable than their non- organic counter parts. The Vernacular Architecture of Kerala, laid in between the costal areas and mountain ranges with heavy rain, uses earthen material for construction and practice of Vedic dwelling and Vaastu treatise in house design. There has been a tradition of using Organic materials in its architecture from the beginning. Usage of Coconut, Jackfruit, rub wood, rosewood, and timber has formed a close construction tradition. Sloping roof to encounter heavy rain, transparency and openness for relief during hot and humid climate, traditional spaces between interior and exterior, protruding sunshades and separate arrangement of kitchen.

Most of the construction was built from wooden components that can be disassembled. At a height of laughter and love your home can be flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities, a slight change in environment friendly approach and all patterns will alter for good. We look at set of furniture’s, the same ones that everyone else sees, but with the attention to the smallest organic details we can leave a lasting impression in every room of your house and a lot of scope of enticing new possibilities.

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